Hi Travis,
Post by t***@ilive4code.netI really like the layout of your handbook. What framework do you use for
the handbook? Is this something others can re-use?
The handbook is being built up from SGML source code's to html. The SGML
has entity's defined which give the generated HTML the FreeBSD look and
feel :-). Have a look at /usr/doc (if you have a FreeBSD machine) or
checkout http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi (and then the doc section).
If it's usable for other projects then for FreeBSD is something i don't
know, perhaps someone else can explain that (perhaps it's mentioned at
http://www.freebsd.org/docproj/ )
Kind regards,
Remko Lodder |***@elvandar.org
Reporter DSINet |***@dsinet.org
Projectleader Mostly-Harmless |***@mostly-harmless.nl